§ 39-6-31 Declaration of policy regardingabandoned railroad property. The general assembly finds and declares that the preservation of open spacesand the orderly control and development of unused or undeveloped land bears asubstantial relationship to the public health, safety, and welfare of thepeople of this state. When a railroad is granted permission to abandon any railline by the Interstate Commerce Commission and gives up use of the entire widthof its right of way in that area, an opportunity is afforded for theestablishment of a facility for another means of transportation or for anecessary public recreation or conservation area in the community land whichwas not theretofore readily available. Railroads by reason of their statutoryprivilege of land acquisition by condemnation and statutory protection fromacquisition of their land by condemnation are a proper subject for a specialstatutory procedure for the disposition of their unused or undeveloped lands.