§ 39-6-32 Disposition of abandonedrailroad property. Whenever any railroad is granted permission to abandon any rail line by theInterstate Commerce Commission and ceases to be used by the railroad claimingtitle thereto, and within one year thereafter the head of any department,board, bureau, commission, or agency of the state government, hereinafterreferred to as the acquiring authority, declares that in his or her opinion theacquisition thereof will be advantageous to the establishment, construction,development, betterment, or maintenance of any governmental facility, publicwork, public improvement, or public preserve, the acquiring authority shall beand hereby is authorized and empowered, within the limits of the appropriationsavailable or that shall be made available therefor, with the approval of thegovernor, to acquire interests, estates, easements, and privileges in the rightof way for public use, by purchase, lease, gift, or by proceedings pursuant to§ 39-6-33.