§ 39-7-9 Approach of railroad junctions ordrawbridges. (a) Every person driving a locomotive, when approaching any crossing orjunction of any two (2) railroads where the rails of one cross or connect withthe rails of the other at grade, or when approaching any drawbridge now in useas such, shall stop the locomotive at some point within the distance of fivehundred feet (500') from the crossing, junction, or drawbridge, and beforereaching the same, and shall not drive the locomotive over the crossing,junction, or drawbridge, at a greater rate of speed than six (6) miles perhour; provided, however, that the division of public utilities and carriers maygrant to any railroad corporation the privilege of crossing the junction ordrawbridge without stopping, whenever it determines the same can be doneconsistently with the public safety.
(b) Every person violating the provisions of this sectionshall be fined one hundred dollars ($100); and the railroad corporation inwhose employment, or upon whose railroad, the person shall be at the time ofcommitting such offense, shall be fined three hundred dollars ($300).