§ 4-1-13 Forfeiture of fighting birds oranimals. After the seizure of any birds or animals as provided in § 4-1-12,application shall be made to a district court or the superior court for asentence of forfeiture of the birds or animals; and if, upon the hearing of theapplication, it is found that the birds or animals, at the time of theirseizure, were engaged in fighting at an exhibition or were owned, possessed, orkept by any person with the intent that they should be engaged in fighting atan exhibition, sentence of forfeiture shall be pronounced against them. Anyofficer authorized to serve criminal process shall sell them in any manner thatthe court orders, and pay the proceeds of that sale, after the payment ofcosts, including costs of seizure and keeping of those birds or animals, to thegeneral treasurer for the use of the state. Whenever a seizure and applicationfor sentence of forfeiture is made by or results from the complaint orinformation of any officer or agent of the society for the prevention ofcruelty to animals, the proceeds of that sale shall be paid over to thesociety. Should it be found that any seized birds or animals are of no use orvalue, they shall be set at large, or otherwise disposed of, as the court maydirect. The claimant is allowed to appear in the proceedings upon anyapplication for a sentence of forfeiture. All seized birds or animals notsentenced for forfeiture shall be delivered to the owner.