§ 4-1-5 Malicious injury to or killing ofanimals. (a) Every person who cuts out the tongue or otherwise dismembers any animal,maliciously, or maliciously kills or wounds any animal, or maliciouslyadministers poison to or exposes any poisonous substance with intent that thepoison shall be taken or swallowed by any animal, or who maliciously exposespoisoned meat with intent that the poison meat is taken or swallowed by anywild animal, shall be imprisoned not exceeding two (2) years or be fined notexceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), and shall, in the case of any animalof another, be liable to the owner of this animal for triple damages, to berecovered by civil action. In addition, any person convicted under this sectionis required to serve ten (10) hours of community restitution. The communityrestitution penalty shall not be suspended or deferred and is mandatory.
(b) This section shall not apply to licensed hunters duringhunting season or a licensed business killing animals for human consumption.