§ 4-1-8 Sale of chicks and ducklings Dyeing prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to dye a chick, duckling, or other live poultry,or to have in his or her possession any chick, duckling, or other live poultrywhich has been dyed. No person shall sell or offer for sale any live chicks orducklings under two (2) months of age in quantities of less than twelve (12),and provided further, that no person, firm, corporation or association shalloffer live chicks or ducklings under two (2) months of age as a bonus, or as aninducement to the sale of or in conjunction with the purchase of any article.Any person, firm, or corporation violating this section shall for each offensebe punished in the manner provided in § 4-1-2. No pet store shall sellchicks or ducklings in any quantity.