§ 4-12-12 Registration of apiaries. (a) All apiaries in the state must be registered, annually, with the directorof environmental management not later than March first. All persons owninghoney bees within the state shall annually notify the director of the keepingof bees, their location and number of colonies.
(b) Any person(s) within the state who sells, gives, barters,or otherwise transfers ownership of bees and/or honey bee colonies, and/ornuclei colonies shall notify the director, in writing, within thirty (30) daysof the name and address of the new owner.
(c) Between 14 and 30 days prior to March first annually thedirector shall cause notice of the registration requirement to be published atleast twice in the state newspaper and in other newspapers and journals ofgeneral circulation adequate to provide reasonable notice throughout the state.
(d) The director shall mail to all registered beekeepers thenecessary registration material annually, at least thirty (30) days prior toMarch first.