§ 4-12-6 Specialized examination Inspection fees Accessibility. (a) Any bees kept in anything other than a hive with removable frames (whichmust be reasonably removable) such as box hives or other receptacles, naturalor artificial, shall be deemed impossible to inspect unless the owner of thesebees removes the brood or makes the brood accessible to the director orinspectors. To permit inspection of the brood, the director may order thecolonies to be transferred to removable frame hives within thirty (30) days. Inthe event the order is not carried out, these colonies may be destroyed by thedirector or appointed inspectors.
(b) On finding infection or infestation or exposure toinfection or infestation the director or inspector shall require that theinfected, infested, or exposed bees, hives, or equipment be treated, or, afterunsuccessful treatment, destroyed.
(c) The director or appointed inspector shall require removalfrom the state or the destruction of honey bees or beekeeping equipment whichhas been brought into this state in violation of this law.
(d) After inspecting infected hives, beekeeping equipment orhandling diseased bees, the inspector or the deputy inspector shall, beforeleaving the premises or proceeding to any other apiary, thoroughly disinfectany portion of the inspector's person, clothing and/or any tools used which mayhave come in contact with infected material, and shall see that any assistantor assistants with him or her have likewise thoroughly disinfected theirpersons and clothing and any tools used by them.