§ 4-12-8 Movement permit required When Form Issuance Fee Verbal authorization. (a) It is unlawful to move, carry, transport, or ship bees, bees on comb, combsor used beekeeping equipment into the state unless accompanied by a validpermit issued by the director of environmental management. Applications for apermit to transport bees or used beekeeping equipment into the state shall besubmitted on a form approved by the director. This application form shall beaccompanied by a certificate of health issued by the authorized official of thestate from which the bees are to be moved, certifying that the bees and usedbeekeeping equipment have been inspected by an authorized official during aperiod of active brood rearing, within fifteen (15) days prior to the proposeddate of movement, and that these bees and used beekeeping equipment were foundapparently free from any diseases or pests. Each application shall disclose thenumber of colonies of bees to be transported and a description of the locationor locations where the bees are to be kept. Upon receipt of an application fora permit to move bees or used beekeeping equipment into the state, accompaniedby a proper certificate of health and application fee of fifty dollars ($50.00)per application, the director shall issue the desired permit. This shall notapply to honey bees from quarantined areas outside the state. These quarantinesshall include all federal, state or Rhode Island exterior quarantines.Importation of honey bees from quarantined areas shall be in accordance withregulations made pursuant to this law.
(b) Regardless of the provisions in subsection (a) of thissection, the director has the authority to issue a permit without inspection tothe person or persons owning these bees and equipment providing these bees andbeekeeping equipment were certified and moved from the state within fifteen(15) days prior to the desired date of reentry and if the director is satisfiedthese bees and equipment have not been exposed to diseased bees, pests, orequipment. This section shall not apply to bees or beekeeping equipmentreturning from quarantined areas.
(c) A verbal authorization may be allowed by the director ifthe written permit outlined above has been submitted and received in a timelymanner but has not been returned by the time the bees are to be moved.
(d) Combless packages of bees or queens, or both, may beadmitted into Rhode Island without a Rhode Island permit, when accompanied by avalid certificate of inspection from the state of origin stating that they arefree of diseases and pests. This shall not apply to honey bees from quarantinedareas outside the state. These quarantines shall include all federal, state orRhode Island exterior quarantines. Importation of honey bees from quarantinedareas shall be in accordance with regulations made pursuant to this law.