§ 4-13-21 Appraisal and payment of damagesin certain Newport county towns. Each town or city council in the county of Newport, except in the towns ofMiddletown and Portsmouth, shall annually in the month of April appoint one ormore suitable persons appraisers, who shall be sworn to the faithful dischargeof their duties, to appraise the damage that may be done to any owner of anysheep or lambs, cattle, horses, hogs, goats, or fowls, suffering loss by reasonof the biting, maiming, or killing by any dog, and to give a statement inwriting to the owner suffering loss; and the owner, suffering loss shall withintwo (2) days after the loss comes to his or her knowledge, notify theappraiser, appointed and sworn, living nearest to him or her in the city ortown where the owner resides, of the loss; and the appraiser shall, on receiptof twenty cents (20¢) for each mile's travel and the sum of one dollar($1.00) from the owner, appraise the damage and give a statement in writing,with his or her lawful fees taxed thereon, to the owner; and the owner shall,within sixty (60) days, present to the town or city council of the town or citywhere the damage is done the appraisal, and the town or city council of thetown or city shall draw an order on the town or city treasurer for the amountof the appraisal and fees, or for any other amount as the council, in thecouncil's discretion, after careful examination, shall deem just. The town orcity treasurer shall annually, on the last Monday in March, pay all thoseorders in full, if the gross amount received by the town or city under theprovisions of this chapter, after deducting all sums previously laid out underthose provisions, is sufficient; otherwise the town or city treasurer shalldivide the amount, after deducting the sums, pro rata among the orders, and thepayment shall be in full discharge of the orders.