§ 4-13-4.1 Notice to new owner ofinoculation and licensing requirements. (a) It is unlawful for any dog pound, animal shelter, kennel, pet store, or anyother facility licensed pursuant to chapter 19 of this title to sell, giveaway, or adopt out any dog without providing the new owner with a formindicating that inoculation against rabies and permanent licensing are requiredwithin thirty (30) days.
(b) The facility shall also require the new owner to sign aregister indicating that the new owner has received a form and register shallalso contain the name and address of the new owner and shall be permanentlymaintained by the facility.
(c) The person obtaining a dog in this manner is required tohave this dog inoculated against rabies and obtain a permanent license withinthirty (30) days.
(d) Any person who violates the provisions of this section issubject to the penalty provisions of § 4-13-4.