§ 4-18-6 Exempted importations. (a) Short term nonresident exhibitions. Animals subject to this chaptermay be brought into the state for short term nonresident exhibition purposeswithout permit. Animal(s) permitted entry under this section shall not bedisposed of by sale, trade or gift during the period within this state. Shortterm nonresident exhibition purposes shall not exceed thirty (30) days.
(b) Animal breeding. Notwithstanding the provisions of§ 4-18-5, animals being moved for breeding purposes as part of arecognized animal colony established for experimental breeding of animals incaptivity, may be moved for this purpose upon issuance of permit provided thatthe conditions specified by the department in the permit are adhered to in full.
(c) Personal pets under special permit.Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 4-18-4 and 4-18-5, a permit maybe granted by the department to import a wild animal as a personal pet, if awritten affidavit or declaration under penalty of perjury is completed at thetime of entry at the site of first arrival and transmitted either by mail or inperson to the department immediately. The affidavit or declaration underpenalty of perjury shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) The number and true scientific name of the species beingimported as required in § 4-18-3;
(2) The date and location of acquisition of the pet animal;
(3) A statement of the place or premises where the animalwill be held in quarantine pending completion of veterinary examination;
(4) An agreement that within ten (10) days the departmentwill be notified of the name and address of the veterinarian who conductsexaminations and tests required by the department, and that the required importfees be paid within the ten (10) days.
(d) Zoological collections and managed propagationfacilities accredited by the American zoo and aquarium association (AZA) andlicensed by the United States department of agriculture (USDA). Animalssubject to this chapter may be brought into the state or propagated forzoological exhibition purposes without permit if imported or born directly to afacility which is both AZA accredited and USDA licensed. The facilities shallcomply with departmental import/possession specifications prior to importation.The importation/possession requirements may include but are not limited to:disease diagnostic tests, veterinary procedures and examinations, andindividual identification requirements for the importation/possession of eachanimal subject to this chapter. The department reserves the right to immediateexamination and testing of the imported/possessed wild animals when there isprobable cause as determined by the department to suspect that the animals areharboring diseases or parasites suspected of endangering public health or thehealth of domestic animals, or that of native wild animals. Measures deemednecessary to protect domestic animals, public health, and native wild animalsmay include but are not limited to: quarantine, treatment, seizure,destruction, and postmortem examination. The department shall be notifiedwithin three (3) months of the death of any animal subject to this chapter.Furthermore, the department shall be notified immediately upon the death of anyanimal subject to this chapter which death may have resulted from infectious,contagious, or zoonotic disease or upon the escape of any animal subject tothis chapter.