§ 4-19-1 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is:
(1) To protect the owners of dogs and cats from the sale oruse of stolen pets;
(2) To insure that all warm-blooded vertebrate animals, asitems of commerce are provided humane care and treatment by regulating thetransportation, sale, purchase, housing, care, handling and treatment of theseanimals by persons or organizations engaged in transporting, buying, or sellingthem for commercial use;
(3) To insure that animals confined in pet shops, kennels,animal shelters, auction markets, and pounds are provided humane care andtreatment;
(4) To release for sale, trade or adoption only those animalswhich appear to be free of infection, communicable disease, or abnormalities,unless veterinary care subsequent to release is assured; and
(5) To ensure the spaying and neutering of dogs and catswhich are adopted from a releasing agency.