§ 4-19-12 Disposition of animals. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of the general or public laws to thecontrary, it shall be unlawful to dispose of any animal by using a carbonmonoxide chamber or gas chamber. All animals, which must be disposed of by amunicipal pound or shelter, the humane society animal shelter, or any otherprivate pound or animal shelter, however, described, must be disposed of bylethal injection. In the event of an emergency, if a licensed veterinariancannot be secured without undue delay and, in the opinion of the animal controlofficer, animal control administrator, approved humane investigator, or animalshelter employee, the animal is so severely injured, diseased, or suffering insuch a manner the animal cannot otherwise be humanely destroyed in anexpeditious manner, the animal may be destroyed by shooting; provided, that:
(1) Maximum precaution is taken to minimize the animal'ssuffering and to protect other persons and animals;
(2) The animal is restrained in a humane manner;
(3) Shooting is performed by highly skilled and trainedpersonnel utilizing a weapon, ammunition of suitable caliber, and othercharacteristics, and proper placement of the shot to produce an instantaneousdeath by a single gunshot.
If any type of restraint or confinement is deemed necessaryfor the safety of those involved or for efficiency in euthanizing the animal,it must be done in the most humane way possible to cause the least amount ofadditional stress to that animal.
(b) No dog officer shall give or sell or negotiate for thegift or sale to a dealer or research facility of any animal which may come intohis or her custody in the course of carrying out his or her officialassignments.
(2) No dog officer shall be granted a dealer's license. Eachapplication for a dealer's license shall include a statement made under oath,that neither the applicant or any member or employee of the firm, partnership,or corporation making application is a dog officer within the meaning of thischapter.
(3) A dog officer, or incorporated humane society, upontaking custody of any animal in the course of their official duties, shallimmediately make a record of the matter in the manner prescribed by thedirector and the record shall include a description of the animal includingcolor, breed, sex, reason for seizure, location of seizure, the owner's nameand address if known and all license or other identification numbers if any.Complete information relating to the disposition of the animal, includingcompliance with the provisions of §§ 4-19-16 and 4-19-18 and anylegal actions taken to uphold and enforce this law, shall be added in themanner provided by the director immediately after disposition. The informationshall be forwarded monthly to the department of environmental management.
(c) This section shall not apply to any research laboratoriesor facilities of any hospital, college, or university within the state.