§ 4-2-9 Rules and regulations. (a) The director is authorized to make appropriate regulations requiring themaintenance of records, as may be deemed necessary, setting forth the number ofnet tons of commercial feed distributed in the state. The director has theright to examine any records to verify statements of tonnage.
(b) The director is authorized to promulgate any rules andregulations for commercial feeds and pet foods that are specifically authorizedin this chapter and any other reasonable rules and regulations necessary forthe efficient enforcement of this chapter. In the interest of uniformity thedirector shall by regulation adopt, unless he or she determines that they areinconsistent with the provisions of this chapter or are not appropriate toconditions which exist in this state, the following:
(1) The official definitions of feed ingredients and officialfeed terms adopted by the association of American feed control officials andpublished in the official publication of that organization; and
(2) Any regulations promulgated pursuant to the authority ofthe Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. § 301 et seq.);provided, that the director would have the authority under this chapter topromulgate those regulations.
(c) Before the issuance, amendment, or repeal of any rule orregulation authorized by this chapter, the director shall publish the proposedregulation, amendment, or notice to repeal an existing regulation in a mannerreasonably calculated to give interested parties, including all currentregistrants, adequate notice and shall afford all interested persons anopportunity to present their views, orally or in writing, within a reasonableperiod of time. After consideration of all views presented by interestedpersons, the director shall take appropriate action to issue the proposed ruleor regulation or to amend or to repeal an existing rule or regulation. Theprovisions of this subsection notwithstanding, if the director, pursuant to theauthority of this chapter, adopts the official definition of feed ingredientsor official feed terms as adopted by the association of American feed controlofficials, or regulations promulgated pursuant to the authority of the FederalFood, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. § 301 et seq.), any amendment ormodification adopted by the association of American feed control officials orby the secretary of human services in the case of regulations promulgatedpursuant to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. § 301 etseq.), shall be adopted automatically under this chapter without regard to thepublication of the notice required by this subsection unless the director, byorder, specifically determines that the amendment or modification shall not beadopted.