§ 4-24-2 Legislative findings. The general assembly hereby finds and declares that:
(1) An unacceptable number of healthy, but abandoned cats areeuthanized annually in Rhode Island.
(2) Due to the large number of stray and abandoned cats,euthanasia is not a cost effective, acceptable or ethical solution to thethreats to public health and safety posed by large populations of stray, feralor homeless cats.
(3) Stray and abandoned pets, specifically cats, createnumerous public health and safety problems, including transmission of diseaseand traffic hazards created by cats running loose on public streets.
(4) A permit system for breeding of cats owned or harbored inthe state, combined with a program for spaying/neutering, is a reasonable andeffective means of reducing the population of abandoned or stray cats, and foreliminating the practice of euthanizing homeless cats, except those for whomeuthanasia is an escape from suffering or necessary to protect people and/orother animals from vicious behavior.
The general assembly therefor finds and declares that itintends to provide for the public health, safety and welfare through a programrequiring spaying and neutering cats unless appropriate permits are acquired.The provisions of this chapter shall be in addition to the cat registration oridentifying program requirements set forth in this title.