§ 4-24-3 Spaying and neutering. (a) No person, as defined by § 4-19-2, shall own or harbor, within thestate, any cat over the age of six (6) months which has not been spayed orneutered, unless such person has adopted a cat from a licensed releasing agencyas defined by § 4-19-2 and is subject to the spaying and neuteringrequirements of § 4-19-16 or holds either a license to keep an unalteredcat, or a license and permit for breeding cats issued by the animal controlofficer for the city or town in which they live, or unless the caretaker statesthat, due to age, health or illness it would be inappropriate to spay or neuterthe cat and having in their possession a letter from a licensed veterinarianstating such, which shall be provided to the animal control officer.
(b) An "intact" permit shall be issued for an unaltered catif the owner signs a written statement that such animal will not be allowed tobreed unless the owner has first obtained a breeding permit. An "intact" permitmay be issued by the animal control officer to an individual who refuses tospay or neuter their cat. The fee for such a permit shall be one hundreddollars ($100) per year. All funds from "intact" permits shall be deposited inthe city or town's spay/neuter account.
(c) Any person providing care or sustenance for anuninterrupted period of sixty (60) days or longer shall be deemed the owner ofsuch animal and shall adhere to the provisions of this chapter. Provided,further, that cities and towns may, by ordinance, require a permit of personswho provide care or sustenance for colony(s) of feral cats.