§ 4-24-4 Breeding permits. (a) No person shall cause or allow any cat owned or harbored in the city ortown in which they live to breed without first obtaining a breeding permitunder this section.
(b) Each city or town animal control officer shall administera permit program to allow the breeding of cats consistent with criteria andaccording to procedures contained in the city or town ordinances; provided,however, that where city's or town's have ordinances, specifically prohibitingthe breeding of cats it shall be the city's or town's ordinances that shallgovern with respect to that subsection or provision only.
(c) Each applicant who is issued a permit to breed cats underthis section shall pay an annual breeding permit fee of one hundred dollars($100) per cat.
(d) No person shall cause or allow the breeding of a male orfemale cat without first obtaining a breeding permit issued by the animalcontrol officer. Breeding permits shall be valid for twelve (12) months,renewable on an annual basis for a fee of one hundred dollars ($100) per cat.Herein, all breeding permits shall contain the following terms and conditionsand be subject to all of the following requirements:
(1) No offspring may be sold or adopted and permanentlyplaced until reaching an age of at least eight (8) weeks;
(2) No offspring may be sold or adopted until immunizedagainst common diseases as determined by the director of environmentalmanagement in accordance with chapter 4 of this title to be contagious orinjurious to public health or to the health of other animals;
(3) Any permit holder advertising to the public theavailability of any animal for adoption or sale must prominently display thepermit number in any publications in which they advertise. The permit numbermust be provided to any person adopting or purchasing any animal bred by thepermit holder; and
(4) The breeding permit holder shall adhere to minimumstandards regarding the care and keeping of animals pursuant to chapter 19 ofthis title.