§ 4-25-5 Purchaser remedies. (a) A purchaser is entitled to relief from the seller after the purchase of adog if one of the following conditions occurs:
(1) Within twenty (20) days after the purchase of the dog, alicensed veterinarian states in writing that the animal is suffering from orhas died from an illness, disease or other defect adversely affecting theanimal's health and that this condition existed in the dog on or beforedelivery to the purchaser. Intestinal or external parasites shall not beconsidered to adversely affect an animal's health unless their presence makesthe animal clinically ill.
(2) Within two (2) years after the purchase of the animal, alicensed veterinarian states in writing that the animal possesses or has diedfrom a congenital or hereditary condition adversely affecting the health of theanimal or that requires hospitalization or nonelective surgical procedures.
(b) A purchaser entitled to relief herein may elect only oneof the following remedies:
(1) Return the animal to the seller for a full refund of thepurchase price and also reimbursement for reasonable veterinarian fees fordiagnosis and treatment in an amount not to exceed the original purchase priceof the animal.
(2) Exchange the animal for another one which the purchasermay choose having comparable value if a replacement is available and alsoreceive reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees for diagnosis andtreatment in an amount not to exceed the original purchase price of the animal;or
(3) Retain the animal and also receive reimbursement forreasonable veterinary fees for diagnosis and treatment in an amount not toexceed the original purchase price of the animal.
(c) For purposes of this section, veterinary fees shall bedeemed reasonable if the services rendered are appropriate for the diagnosisand treatment of the illness or congenital or hereditary condition. The cost ofsuch services shall be comparable to that charged for similar services by otherRhode Island veterinarians. A veterinary fee shall be presumed reasonable inthe absence of evidence to the contrary.
(d) Refunds and payment of reimbursable expenses pursuant tothis section shall be made by the seller to the purchaser within ten (10)business days following receipt by seller of veterinarians statement as persubsection 4-25-5(a) herein.