§ 4-25-7 Limitations on remedies. (a) Notwithstanding other provisions herein, no refund, replacement orreimbursement of veterinary fees shall be made if any of the followingconditions occur:
(1) The illness or death resulted from maltreatment orneglect or from an injury sustained or an illness contracted subsequent to thedelivery of the animal to the purchaser.
(2) The purchaser does not carry out the recommendedtreatment prescribed by the examining veterinarian who made the initialdiagnosis. If the cost for said treatment together with the veterinarians feefor diagnosis exceeds the purchase price then this section does not apply.
(3) The illness disease or condition was disclosed at thetime of sale pursuant to § 4-25-3 but the purchaser took the delivery ofthe animal anyway.
(4) The purchaser failed to return to the seller alldocuments previously provided to the purchaser to register the animal.