§ 4-5-20 Establishment oftuberculosis-free areas. The director of environmental management may, in his or her discretion,establish circumscribed areas within which all bovine cattle are subjected tothe tuberculin test, but in no case shall that area be smaller than a singlecity or town as provided. Before this area is established, the owners ofeighty-five percent (85%) of the cattle, or seventy-five percent (75%) of thecattle owners in this area shall make application, in writing, on official formto the director, placing their herds under the inspection and supervision ofthe state or of the United States, for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis.Upon receipt of a sufficient number of those applications, the director shallfirst satisfy himself or herself that those applications have been signed bythe requisite number of cattle owners within the designated area, and all thoseapplications are open to inspection at all times. If satisfied that thoseapplications have been signed by the requisite number of cattle owners, thedirector may establish this area or areas which he or she shall clearly boundand describe, and within which bovine tuberculosis is to be eradicated at theexpense of the state or United States, and he or she shall cause all thosecattle within that area or areas to be quarantined, tested, appraised, andcondemned as provided in §§ 4-5-1 4-5-6.