§ 4-5-21 Advertisement oftuberculosis-free areas. Before proceeding to quarantine an area and to test the cattle in the areapursuant to § 4-5-20, the director of environmental management shalladvertise the establishment of that area in some newspaper published in one ofthe towns included in that area, or if there is no newspaper published in anyof those towns, then in a newspaper published in the county in which the areais situated. The advertisement shall state the date when the area is to beestablished and shall set forth in detail the proceedings to be followed inquarantining and testing the cattle within the area, and what will be requiredof the owners of those cattle. A notice similar in substance to theadvertisement shall be posted on a public sign post in each city or town whollyor in part within the area. The advertisement shall be published and the noticeposted not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days before thedate when the area is to be established.