§ 4-5-22 Administration oftuberculosis-free areas. After any area has been established pursuant to §§ 4-5-20 and 4-5-21,no cattle shall be brought or transported into that area, except in accordancewith the provisions of §§ 4-5-7 4-5-10, and except that cattletransported through the area on the highways by truck or railroad, and nocattle shall be taken from that area except with the consent of the director ofenvironmental management during the process of accreditation. Within six (6)months after the date of the establishment of this area, the director shall tothe extent that funds are available for that purpose cause all remaininguntested bovine cattle in this area to be tested as provided in §§4-5-1 4-5-6 in accordance with the uniform rules and regulationspromulgated by the United States livestock sanitary association and approved bythe United States department of agriculture. After the area has been designateda modified accredited area, the cattle in this area shall be tested as providedin §§ 4-5-1 4-5-6 at such intervals as may be deemed advisableby the director of environmental management.