§ 4-5-7 Application for permission toimport. All persons, firms, corporations, or associations intending to ship, transport,import, or to drive any bovine animals into the state, shall make writtenapplication to the director of environmental management for permission to ship,transport, import, or drive bovine animals into this state, and in thatapplication shall state the breed, sex, age, and general marking on each animaland with the application shall forward to the director:
(1) A chart signed by a veterinarian approved by the UnitedStates department of agriculture showing that the animals described are fromofficially tuberculosis free accredited herds or are from herds officiallyunder state and federal supervision for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis.All herds from which those animals originate shall have passed a negativeintradermic tuberculin test at least three (3) months prior to date ofshipment; except that in the case of all animals originating in accreditedherds, those herds shall have passed a negative intradermic tuberculin testwithin one year from date of shipment; and
(2) A certificate of a veterinarian approved as provided insubsection (1), that upon a negative intradermic tuberculin test and a physicalexamination, those animals have been found to be free from tuberculosis orother contagious or communicable disease, and are from a herd officially understate and federal supervision for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis, whichat its last tuberculin test revealed no reactors.