§ 4-8-13 Adjustments and hearings oncomplaints. When a complaint is filed with the director of environmental management, he orshe shall attempt to secure an explanation or adjustment, and, failing thiswithin ten (10) days, he or she shall cause a copy of the complaint, togetherwith a notice of the time and place for a hearing, to be served personally orby mail upon the applicant or licensee. If served by mail, the complaint andnotice shall be directed to the applicant or licensee at his or her place ofbusiness, with postage fully prepaid. Service shall be made at least seven (7)days before the hearing. At the time and place appointed for the hearing, thedirector, or his or her representatives, shall hear the parties to thecomplaint, shall have power to administer oaths and shall enter in the recordsof the department of environmental management a decision either dismissing thecomplaint or specifying the facts which he or she deems established on thehearing.