§ 4-9-3 Use and disposition of products Records and reports. Persons buying or procuring any of the products listed in § 4-9-1 shallnot use or dispose of those products until assured, in writing, by the personfrom whom the tuberculin or biologics is received that its delivery to thatperson has been reported to the director of environmental management or unlessthey have themselves reported its receipt to the director, with informationrequired to be furnished to those who distribute those products. Those personsbuying or procuring those products shall keep a correct record of the amountused and the amount on hand, and shall report these facts whenever any of theseproducts left on hand are not deemed fit for use, or are not to be used. Thosepersons shall forward the record and report to the director of environmentalmanagement, with a statement of where and when procured, the amount procured atthe time, the amount used and his or her name and address. If the amountforwarded to the director of environmental management, and the amount used, donot equal the amount procured or purchased, a satisfactory statement shall bemade as to what became of the remainder.