§ 40.1-1-10.1 Subsidy aid for parentdeinstitutionalization program. (a) Every qualified parent applicant of a person at the Dr. Joseph H. LaddCenter, Dr. U.E. Zambarano Memorial Hospital, the institute of mental health,or the general hospital (RIMC) or at an out-of-state institution who would havebeen eligible for placement in the Dr. Joseph H. Ladd Center, Dr. U.E.Zambarano Memorial Hospital, the institute of mental health, or the generalhospital (RIMC), found eligible and certified as such by the director of mentalhealth, retardation, and hospitals pursuant to this chapter and the rules andregulations established thereunder, shall be eligible to receive subsidy aidwithin the bounds set forth in this chapter and pursuant to such rules andregulations as are promulgated by the director of mental health, retardation,and hospitals and under such eligibility, income, health, safety, and otherprogram requirements as may be deemed appropriate and necessary to protect thehealth, safety, and welfare of the child or adult and the interest of the statein the maintenance and operation of the deinstitutionalization program.
(b) A qualified parent applicant who is the natural oradoptive parent and certified as eligible for subsidy aid under thedeinstitutionalization program shall receive an amount of not less thantwenty-five dollars ($25.00) and not more than sixty dollars ($60.00) for thebasic care of each child or adult for a seven (7) day or weekly period, and anamount of not less than five dollars ($5.00) and not more than fifteen dollars($15.00) for the training of each child or adult for the same period.
(c) A qualified parent applicant who is a foster parent andcertified as eligible for subsidy aid under the deinstitutionalization programshall receive an amount of not less than five dollars ($5.00) and not more thanfifteen dollars ($15.00) for training of each child or adult and an amount ofnot less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and not more than sixty dollars($60.00) for basic care and treatment for a seven (7) day or weekly period.These amounts designated for foster parents shall be in addition to the basicpayments to foster parents from the department of social and rehabilitativeservices for foster home placement.
(d) The subsidy payments as provided by this section shall bepaid from such institutional or special accounts as may be under the controland direction of the director of mental health, retardation, and hospitals andearmarked for the placement and continuing support of an institutionalizedperson with a qualified parent application as set forth in this chapter.