§ 40.1-1-12 Permanent legislativeoversight commission. (a) There is hereby created a permanent legislative commission entitled"permanent legislative oversight commission on substance abuse treatment" thepurpose of which shall be to oversee the implementation and administration ofall money and programs in substance abuse treatment in the state and to reportto the general assembly with advice and recommendations as to the adequacy,efficacy and efficiency of all statutes, rules, regulations, guidelines,practices, and programs relating to substance abuse treatment and such otherrelated matters as it deems appropriate.
(b) The commission shall consist of ten (10) members; five(5) members shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representativesfrom among the members of the house of representatives, not more than four (4)of whom shall be from the same political party; three (3) members shall beappointed by the president of the senate from among the members of the senate,not more than two (2) of whom shall be from the same political party, and onemember (ex officio) shall be the director of MHRH or his or her designee, andone member shall be the director of the department of health in the executivedepartment or his or her designee. The chairperson of the commission shall beappointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. Members of thecommission shall serve without compensation, except that they shall be allowedtheir actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their dutiesunder this section.
(c) The commission may request and shall receive from anyinstrumentality of the state, including the division of substance abuse of thedepartment of mental health, retardation, and hospitals, the department ofhealth in the executive department, department of children, youth, andfamilies, department of human services and other departments as the commissionsees fit and from any municipality or any instrumentality thereof, suchinformation and assistance as it deems necessary for the proper execution ofits powers and duties under this section.
(d) The commission shall meet at least quarterly and shallreport at least annually to the general assembly on its findings andrecommendations with respect to:
(1) All existing substance abuse treatment programs; and
(2) Any matters relating to substance abuse treatment effortsin the state.