§ 40.1-1-8 Federal funds for planning,advocacy, monitoring, evaluation, review, and comment of all state plansregarding the developmentally disabled. The state council on developmental disabilities is hereby designated to be thesole agency of the state to develop and, as approved by the governor, establisha plan for improving services for individuals with developmental disabilitiesand administer any statewide plan for the provision of care, treatment,diagnosis, rehabilitation, training, or related services, which plan is now ormay hereafter be required as a condition to the eligibility for benefitspursuant to the provisions of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance andBill of Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. § 6000 et seq., as enacted by Title V ofP.L. 95-602 on November 6, 1978 by the congress of the United States, andsubsequent amendments thereto. The state council on developmental disabilitiesis also authorized to receive, administer, and expend any funds that may beavailable under this federal act, or from any other sources public or private,for those purposes.