§ 40.1-2-28 Annual report to generalassembly. (a) The director shall make an annual report to the general assembly during themonth of January, setting forth:
(1) The condition and needs of the several institutions underhis or her control; the number of inmates in each institution; an abstract ofall reports received from officers incident to the performance of their duties.
(2) A complete financial statement of the severalinstitutions together with estimates of the amounts required for the ensuingyear, for salaries and pay, for construction and repairs, and for all otherexpenses of maintenance.
(3) Such information and recommendations as to the directormay seem proper for the efficient administration and development of the severalinstitutions, and for promoting the physical, mental, and moral welfare of theinmates thereof, and for measures whereby the number of prospective inmates maybe decreased and the number of past inmates kept from returning may beincreased, and for any additional legislation needed for these purposes.
(4) Such other information or recommendations as may berequested by the governor or by the general assembly.
(b) The annual report shall be made a matter of public record.