§ 40.1-22-22 Guardians ad litem. (a) At any hearing hereunder, the court may appoint guardians ad litem torepresent any client in matters of admission or retention under the provisionsof this law. It shall be the duty of the guardian ad litem to make aninvestigation of the facts, and to report the facts to the court with his orher recommendations, if any.
(b) The guardian ad litem shall be paid for his or herservices, in an amount to be approved by the court, and the guardian ad litem'sservices shall be paid from the estate of the client, or if so ordered by thecourt, shall be paid by the state and reimbursement shall be had by the statefrom the estate and assets of the developmentally disabled person in the manneras reimbursement for care and treatment is had by the state.