§ 40.1-22-39 Monthly reports to thegeneral assembly. On or before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month, the department shallprovide a monthly report of monthly caseload and expenditure data pertaining toeligible developmentally disabled adults to the chairperson of the housefinance committee, the chairperson of the senate finance committee, the housefiscal advisor, the senate fiscal advisor, and the state budget officer. Themonthly report shall be in such form, and in such number of copies, and withsuch explanation as the house and senate fiscal advisors may require. It shallinclude, but is not limited to, the number of cases and expenditures from thebeginning of the fiscal year at the beginning of the prior month, cases addedand denied during the prior month, expenditures made, and the number of casesand expenditures at the end of the month. The information concerning casesadded and denied shall include summary information and profiles of the servicedemand request for eligible adults meeting the state statutory definition forservices from the division of developmental disabilities as determined by thedivision, including age, Medicaid eligibility and agency selection placementwith a list of the services provided, and the reasons for the determinations ofineligibility for those cases denied.