§ 40.1-22-4 General powers and duties ofthe director. (a) The director of mental health, retardation, and hospitals is charged withthe execution of laws relating to the admission and care of the developmentallydisabled.
(b) The director shall be responsible for the facilities inthe department and such others as are approved to function under this chapterfor the purpose of determining whether the provisions of this law relating toadmission and care of developmentally disabled persons are being complied with,and giving such residents of the facilities as may request it, suitableopportunity to converse with him or her or them apart from the officers andattendants thereof. The director shall act with power to investigate thequestion of developmental disability and condition of any person who is aresident of any institution for the developmentally disabled, public orprivate, or restrained in his or her liberty by reason of alleged developmentaldisability at any place within the state, and shall discharge any such person,if in his or her opinion he or she is not developmentally disabled or can becared for after discharge without serious harm to him or herself or others. Forsuch purposes, the director is empowered to hold hearings, subpoena witnesses,compel their attendance, administer oaths to witnesses, examine witnesses underoath, and require the production of any books, documents, papers, or recordsdeemed relevant to the inquiry under investigation. A subpoena issued underthis section shall be regulated by civil practice laws and rules.
(3) The director may assign a portion of any state facility,for the holding of religious service, to be used exclusively for the benefit ofthe patients and employees of the facility, subject to such conditions as maybe imposed by the director.
(4) The director may:
(i) Examine all facilities, public and private, licensed byhim or her or authorized by law to receive, admit, and care for thedevelopmentally disabled; and
(ii) Inquire into their methods of government and managementof all persons therein; and
(iii) Examine into the condition of all buildings, grounds,and other property connected with the facility, and into all matters relatingto its management.
(5) The director may promulgate and adopt such rules andregulations governing the management of the facilities, both public andprivate, as he or she may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of thischapter to insure the comfort, promote the welfare, and protect the rights ofthe residents.
(6) Any patient, or person representing the patient shall befurnished, upon request, all information and reports upon which a director orother resident physician made his or her or their determination or finding thatthe patient is a developmentally disabled person.