§ 40.1-22-7 Voluntary admissions anddischarges. (a) Any individual of lawful age, either personally, or on the application ofany relative, friend, or attorney with the individual's consent, must apply,orally or in writing, for voluntary admission to any facility provided for bythis chapter seeking care and residence for alleged developmental disability.
(b) In the discretion of the superintendent or other officialin charge of the facility, the individual may be retained for a period notexceeding three (3) days after receipt of written notice from the individual ofhis or her intention or desire to leave the facility. Notwithstanding any otherprovisions of law to the contrary, no person admitted to any facility as avoluntary client shall be deprived of any civil right solely by reason ofadmission nor shall admission modify or vary any civil right of the person,including, but not limited to, civil service or merit rating, ranking, andappointment, or rights relating to the granting, forfeiture, or denial of alicense, permit, privilege, or benefit pursuant to any law.