§ 40.1-24.5-6 Qualified rights ofresidents. Except to the extent that the director as defined in § 40.1-24.5-1(2)determines that a limitation or a denial of one of the following rights wouldbe in the resident's best interests and, further, unless the director documentsthe good cause reasons for the denial or limitations in the resident'sindividualized service plan, the resident shall be entitled to the following:
(1) To wear one's own clothes and to keep and use one's ownpersonal possessions;
(2) To keep and be allowed to spend a reasonable sum of one'sown money for consumer purchases;
(3) To have reasonable access to a telephone to make andreceive confidential calls;
(4) To have opportunities for physical exercise and outdoorrecreation;
(5) To have reasonable, prompt access to current newspapers,magazines, and radio and television programming; and
(6) To receive visitors of one's own choosing at allreasonable times. Posted reasonable visiting hours must be maintained in eachcommunity residence, with a minimum of six (6) hours daily.