§ 40.1-24-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Adult foster home" means a private family livingarrangement which, through financial support from the parentdeinstitutionalization subsidy aid program, provides housing and supervision totwo (2) or more adults who are alcoholic, drug abusers, mentally ill or who arepersons with developmental disabilities or otherwise eligible under §40.1-1-10.1. Foster homes serving fewer than two (2) adults, foster homesituations wherein the foster parents are natural or adoptive parent(s) orgrandparents, and any facility licensed by the department of children, youth,and families shall be excluded for the purposes of this chapter.
(2) "Community residence" means any home or other livingarrangement which is established, offered, maintained, conducted, managed, oroperated by any person for a period of at least twenty-four (24) hours, where,on a twenty-four (24) hour basis, direct supervision is provided for thepurpose of providing rehabilitative treatment, habilitation, psychologicalsupport, and/or social guidance for three (3) or more persons who arealcoholic, drug abusers, mentally ill or who are persons with developmentaldisabilities or cognitive disabilities such as brain injury. The facilitiesshall include, but not be limited to, group homes, halfway houses, and fullysupervised apartment programs. Semi-independent living programs, foster care,and parent deinstitutionalization subsidy aid programs shall not be consideredcommunity residences for the purposes of this chapter.
(3) "Day treatment program" means any nonresidential facilitywhich is established, offered, maintained, conducted, managed, or operated byany person for a period of less than twenty-four (24) hours to providetherapeutic intervention to persons who are alcoholic, drug abusers, mentallyill, or who are persons with developmental disabilities or cognitivedisabilities such as brain injury. These shall include, but not be limited to,outpatient programs for persons who are alcoholic, drug abusers, mentally illor who are persons with developmental disabilities or cognitive disabilitiessuch as brain injury.
(4) "Department" means the department of mental health,retardation, and hospitals.
(5) "Facility" means any community residence, day treatmentprogram, rehabilitation program, public or private, excluding hospitals orunits within hospitals for persons who are alcoholic, drug abusers, mentallyill or who are persons with developmental disabilities or cognitivedisabilities such as brain injury providing program services which do notconstitute medical or custodial care, but do offer rehabilitation,habilitation, psychological support, and social guidance.
(6) "Habilitation program" means any nonresidential facilitywhich is established, offered, maintained, conducted, managed, or operated byany person for a period of less than twenty-four (24) hours to provide trainingin basic daily living skills and developmental activities, prevocational skillsand/or vocational training and placement, and follow up for people who arealcoholic, drug abusers, mentally ill or who are persons with developmentaldisabilities or cognitive disabilities such as brain injury. These shallinclude, but not be limited to, early intervention, adult development, workactivities, sheltered workshops, advanced workshops, and job development andtraining programs. Sheltered workshops not exclusively for people who arealcoholic, drug abusers, mentally ill or who are persons with developmentaldisabilities or cognitive disabilities such as brain injury shall be excludedfor the purposes of this chapter.
(7) "Person" means any individual, governmental unit,corporation, company, association, or joint stock association and the legalsuccessor thereof.
(8) "Program" means a planned service delivery systemstructured to provide specific components, which are responsive to the needs ofthose served.
(9) "Rehabilitation program" means any facility, which isestablished, offered, maintained, conducted, managed, or operated by any personto provide restorative therapy and/or training to persons who are mentally illor who are persons with developmental disabilities or cognitive disabilitiessuch as brain injury. These shall include, but not be limited to, communitymental health centers. Sheltered workshops not exclusively for people who arealcoholic, drug abusers, mentally ill or who are persons with developmentaldisabilities or cognitive disabilities such as brain injury shall be excludedfor the purposes of this chapter.