§ 40.1-24-2 Purpose. (a) The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the development,establishment, and enforcement of standards:
(1) For facilities and programs providing rehabilitation,psychological support, and social guidance to individuals who are alcoholic,drug abusers, mentally ill or who are persons with developmental disabilitiesor cognitive disabilities such as brain injury;
(2) For the construction, maintenance, and operation offacilities which will promote safe and adequate accommodations for individualswho are alcoholic, drug abusers, mentally ill or who are persons withdevelopmental disabilities or cognitive disabilities such as brain injury; and
(3) For the establishment of a comprehensive licensing policywith respect to facilities and programs for people who are alcoholic, drugabusers, mentally ill or who are persons with developmental disabilities orcognitive disabilities such as brain injury.
(b) The department of mental health, retardation, andhospitals is hereby authorized and directed to be the licensing authority inRhode Island for residential and other support programs designed specificallyfor persons with cognitive disabilities such as brain injury. These licensurerequirements shall be the same standards for persons with developmentaldisabilities except that for these purposes all references to "developmentaldisabilities" shall mean "cognitive disabilities."