§ 40.1-24-21 Competency evaluation andtraining programs for residential instructors. Individuals employed as residential instructors in privately and publiclyoperated residential programs for persons who are developmentally disabledlicensed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall successfully pass aqualifying competency evaluation or complete a training program. Competencyevaluation and training programs must be approved by the division ofdevelopmental disabilities of the department of mental health, retardation, andhospitals and incorporated into the department's rules, regulations andstandards for licensing facilities pursuant to this chapter of this title. Theresidential instructor competency evaluation and curriculum shall be assembledby December 31, 1991. Those employees hired after December 31, 1991 shallcomplete the required residential instructor training within the first six (6)months of employment. The competency evaluations for staff employed as of June18, 1991, shall be completed by March 31, 1992.