§ 40.1-24-8 Review of license action. Any applicant or licensee or the state acting through the attorney general,aggrieved by the decision of the department after a hearing may, within thirty(30) days after the mailing or serving of notice of the determination, asprovided in § 40.1-24-7, file a notice of appeal in the superior court ofthe county in which the facility or program is located or to be located, andserve a copy of the notice of appeal upon the department. The appeal shallserve as a stay of the denial, suspension, or revocation on being filed withthe clerk of the court for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days not countingSundays or legal holidays for a further period of thirty (30) days from the dayof serving of the notice. If the appeal has not been heard or disposed ofwithin the thirty (30) day period, the denial, suspension, or revocation shallno longer be stayed but shall remain in full force and effect during anyfurther pendency of the appeal unless the superior court shall, for good causeshown, extend the period of the stay, but in no event shall the period beextended beyond the date when the superior court shall render its judgment uponthe appeal.