§ 40.1-25.1-2 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter:
(1) "Agency" means any person or organization which providesday program services, residential services, support services or advocacyservices for persons with developmental disabilities, persons who are mentallyill and persons who are substance abusers and which is licensed by thedepartment of mental health, retardation, and hospitals pursuant to §40.1-24-1 et seq.
(2) "Applicant for employment" means a person over the age ofeighteen (18) who has applied for and been offered employment in a facility,program or agency licensed, funded and/or operated by the department.
(3) "Department" means the department of mental health,retardation, and hospitals.
(4) "Director" means the director of the department of mentalhealth, retardation, and hospitals or the designee of the director.
(5) "Employer" means any facility, program or agency licensedand/or funded by the department of mental health, retardation, and hospitalsand shall mean the department when the facility or program is operated by thedepartment.
(6) "Facility" means any community residence, day treatmentprogram, rehabilitation program, public or private, excluding hospitals, exceptfor the Eleanor Slater Hospital, providing program services which do notconstitute medical or custodial care but do offer rehabilitation, habilitation,psychological support and social guidance.
(7) "Program" means a planned service delivery systemstructured to provide specific components, which are responsive to the needs ofthose served.