§ 40.1-29-3 Members. (a) The council shall consist of twenty-six (26) members.
(1) There shall be four (4) members of the legislature, two(2) shall be from the senate and shall be appointed by the lieutenant governorto serve for their legislative term, one from each of the major politicalparties, and two (2) shall be from the house of representatives and shall beappointed by the speaker to serve for their legislative term, one from each ofthe two (2) major political parties.
(2) The non-legislative members shall be the executivedirector of the Drug and Alcohol Treatment Association, the executive directorof the Council of Community Mental Health Organizations, the mental healthadvocate, and a representative of the AFL-CIO to be appointed by the governor.
(3) The remaining eighteen (18) public members shall beappointed by and serve at the pleasure of the governor and shall represent suchcommunity interests as substance abuse treatment and prevention professionals,consumers of substance abuse programs and their families, mental healthtreatment professionals, adult and elderly consumers of mental health servicesand their families, families of children who are consumers of mental health andsubstance abuse services, the judiciary, criminal justice officials and localgovernment officials.
(4) Not less than fifty (50%) percent of the public membersshall be individuals who are not state employees or providers of behavioralhealth services.
(5) There shall be sufficient representation by the familiesof children who are consumers of mental health and substance abuse services inorder to ensure adequate representation of such children.
(6) Every effort shall be made to ensure that appointedmembers represent the cultural diversity of the state.
(7) All members shall have demonstrable expertise in, orexperience with substance abuse or mental health services in Rhode Island. Inaddition, the directors or their designees of the departments of children,youth, and families; corrections; education; health; human services; elderlyaffairs and mental health, retardation, and hospitals; the attorney general ordesignee and the executive director of the Rhode Island justice commissionshall serve as ex officio and without a vote as members of the council.
(b) Any vacancy which may occur in the council shall befilled in the same manner as the original appointments.
(c) The governor shall designate one member as thechairperson of the council.