§ 40.1-29-5 Functions. The functions of the council shall be:
(1) To review and evaluate the behavioral health needs andproblems in the state and propose such recommendations as are appropriate;
(2) To stimulate and seek the development and coordination ofall programs relating to behavioral health, including, but not limited to, suchareas as care and treatment, prevention, manpower, research and publiceducation;
(3) To encourage interdisciplinary approaches to combating,treating and preventing substance abuse and mental illness, focusing inparticular on integrating support systems for behavioral health care;
(4) To act as the advisory committee to the department ofmental health, retardation, and hospitals and the governor on any funds madeavailable to the department by the federal government for substance abuseand/or mental health treatment and prevention purposes;
(5) To stimulate and investigate research as it affectsplanning and implementation of behavioral health care systems in the healthcare environment;
(6) To make an annual report to the governor and the generalassembly during the month of January, setting forth:
(i) The nature and extent of the behavioral health careproblems in the state;
(ii) Such information and recommendations as the councildeems necessary to deal with the problems as documented;
(iii) A review of the council's activities during thepreceding year, including but not limited to, reports relative to activity,performance and need;
(iv) Any plans developed by the council to deal with thebehavioral health care problems identified by the council;
(v) Other recommendations as may be appropriate and in thepublic interest.