§ 40.1-3-15 Discrimination againstosteopaths and optometrists. There shall be no discrimination made by any state department against dulylicensed osteopathic physicians and optometrists in any medical plan, whichinvolves the expenditure of state funds. Notwithstanding any provisions of apolicy or contract of group accident, group health, group accident and healthinsurance, or the provisions of any private accident and health insurancepolicy, whenever the policy or contract provides for reimbursement for anyoptometric service which is within the lawful scope of practice of a dulylicensed optometrist, a subscriber to that group accident, group health, groupaccident and health, or the provisions of any private accident and healthinsurance policy or contract shall be entitled to reimbursement for thatservice, whether the service is performed by a physician or duly licensedoptometrist.