§ 40.1-5.4-7 Definitions. When used in this chapter:
(1) "Adult with serious mental illness" means a person withserious mental illness, eighteen (18) years or older and not under thejurisdiction of the department of children, youth, and families.
(2) "Case management" means the services provided by mentalhealth staff for the purpose of monitoring and assisting clients in theiroverall life situations, including gaining access to needed medical, social,educational, residential, vocational, and other services necessary to meetingbasic human needs. These services may include, but are not necessarily limitedto:
(i) Maintaining assessments and evaluations necessary forestablishing eligibility of services;
(ii) Participation in the treatment planning process andmonitoring client progress in meeting the goals and objectives of the plan;
(iii) Locating, monitoring, and coordinating all necessarymedical, social, psychiatric, and residential services;
(iv) Assisting in the development of appropriate socialnetworks;
(v) Assistance with other activities necessary to maintainpsychiatric stability in a community-based setting.
(3) "Community mental health centers" means the eight (8)private, nonprofit agencies established pursuant to § 40.1-8.5-1 et seq.
(4) "Community support program" means a program of services,including case management services, supports and treatment that allow adultswith serious mental illness to function effectively in the community.
(5) "Department" means the department of mental health,retardation, and hospitals.
(6) "Diagnosis and evaluation" means a process to determinewhether and to what extent an individual has a serious mental illness and astudy of the individual's condition, situation, and needs, which lead to arecommendation of what services, if any, would benefit the individual.
(7) "Emergency services" means crisis intervention servicesavailable on a twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) day a week basis; theintervention shall include screening and evaluation of the need for inpatientor outpatient treatment and admission to such services, as appropriate.
(8) "Individualized treatment plan" means a written plan,however named, which includes, but shall not be limited to, the following:
(i) An evaluation of the strengths, difficulties, needs andgoals of the individual;
(ii) A description of those services, including supportive,rehabilitative, housing assistance and case management services, found to benecessary or appropriate to assist the individual in realizing his or herpotential for self-sufficiency in major life activities and in moving towardsrecovery;
(iii) A description of the agencies and/or individuals, whichare proposed to provide each of the recommended services;
(iv) The intermediate and long-range objectives for theindividual's rehabilitation and well-being;
(v) The expected duration for the provision of each of theservices;
(vi) A description of the tests and other evaluative devicesused and their results;
(vii) Proposed criteria for monitoring and evaluating thesuccess of the services in meeting the individual's needs; and
(viii) The signatures of the preparers of the plan and thedate the plan was prepared. This plan shall be reviewed at least annually.
(9) "Rehabilitative services" means and includes, but shallnot be limited to, medication supervision and maintenance, counseling, daytreatment programs, clinical services, vocational, and psychiatric services.
(10) "Serious mental illness" means an illness which isbiologically based, severe in degree and persistent in duration, which causes asubstantially diminished level of functioning in the primary aspects of dailyliving and an inability to cope with the ordinary demands of life, which maylead to an inability to maintain stable adjustment and independent functioningwithout long-term treatment and support and which may be of lifetime duration.Serious mental illness includes schizophrenia, bi-polar disorders as well as aspectrum of psychotic and other severely disabling psychiatric diagnosticcategories, but does not include infirmities of aging or a primary diagnosis ofmental retardation, alcohol, or drug abuse or anti-social behavior.