§ 40.1-5-10 Periodic institutional reviewproceedings. (a) In general. Each patient admitted or certified to a facilitypursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be the subject of a periodicreview of his or her condition and status to be conducted by a review committeecomposed of at least one psychiatrist and other mental health professionalsinvolved in treating the patient. The committee shall be composed of no fewerthan three (3) persons and shall be appointed by the director of the facilityor his or her designated agent. The reviews shall minimally involve anevaluation of the quality of care which the patient is receiving, including anevaluation of the patient's treatment plan, and the making of anyrecommendations for the improvement of the care or for the revision of thetreatment plan, including alternative available living arrangements, fostercare, community residential facilities, nursing homes, and other convalescentfacilities. At every fourth review, one member of the committee shall be amember of the hospital's utilization review committee appointed by thatcommittee's chairperson.
(b) Frequency. The review proceedings shall take placeat least once within each ninety (90) day period during which a person is apatient in the facility.
(c) Results of review. The results of each reviewshall be entered in the patient's medical record, presented orally to thepatient within twenty-four (24) hours and confirmed by written notice to thepatient and his or her guardian, or with the patient's consent, to his or hernext of kin, within seventy-two (72) hours. In the event the director of thefacility is not a member of the committee the notice shall be transmitted tohim or her as well. Where the committee determines that further care in thefacility is required, the notice to the patient shall include an explanation ofthe patient's rights to pursue discharge as elsewhere provided in this chapter.