§ 40.1-5-22 Duties of the mental healthadvocate. The mental health advocate shall perform the following duties:
(1) Insure that each person in treatment and, in propercases, others interested in the person's welfare, is apprised of his or herrights under this chapter.
(2) Review periodically the procedures established byfacilities to carry out provisions of this chapter.
(3) Assist any patient to obtain needed legal assistanceconcerning problems not related to the provisions of this chapter by referringthe persons to appropriate lawyer referral services, public or private,depending upon the person's ability to pay, and assist the persons in thepreparation and transmission of correspondence, forms and other communications.
(4) Review complaints of persons and investigate those whereit appears that a person may be in need of assistance from the mental healthadvocate.
(5) Investigate and report to the director or person incharge of any facility, any occurrences, conditions, or practices with respectto procedure, personnel, or facilities which reflect inadequacies withreference to the provisions of this chapter.
(6) Act as counsel for all indigent persons and to assistother than indigents to secure counsel relating to the application of theprovisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to, judicial proceedingshereunder.
(7) Take all possible action including, but not limited to,programs of public education, legislative advocacy, and formal legal action, tosecure and ensure the legal, civil, and special rights of persons who aresubject to the provisions of this chapter.
(8) Establish a formal liaison between the mental healthadvocate and community based mental health clinics and other communityfacilities.