§ 40.1-5-37 Service of process onpatients. No civil process or notice shall be served upon any patient, unless the officeror person charged with the service shall apply to the physician in charge ofthe facility or his or her designated agent where the patient is confined, andreceive a statement from the physician that service of the process or noticewill not be injurious to the mental health of the patient, and the statementshall be annexed to his or her return of service. In the event that thephysician in charge or his designated agent shall state that it would beinjurious to the mental health of the patient, the process or notice shall notbe served on the patient and the statement shall be set forth in his or herreturn, and the court shall order notice of the process or notice to bepublished and shall appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the interests ofthe patient, whether the patient be otherwise represented or not.