§ 40.1-8.5-5 Powers and duties ofcommunity mental health boards. Subject to the provisions of this section and the rules and regulations of thedirector, each board shall:
(1) Identify the mental health service needs of its servicearea population;
(2) Assess the mental health services available to meet themental health needs within its service area;
(3) Review and evaluate the mental health services providedby its center;
(4) Assure that the mental health services offered by itscenter with matchable funds and match address the identified mental healthservice needs of the service area to the maximum extent possible within thelimits of the appropriated and allocated matching grant funds;
(5) Be available to the department to plan and coordinate thedevelopment and delivery of mental health services within its service area;
(6) Prepare and approve a plan and budget, prepared inaccordance with department requirements, for the delivery of mental healthservices to be provided by its center with resources, including, but notlimited to, matchable funds and matching grant funds; such plan and budget tobe submitted annually to the department for its approval.
(7) Develop and implement a mechanism by which its center'sconsumers and family members of its consumers participate in the overall goals,objectives and methods of the center, as reflected in its plan;
(8) Solicit public and private financial support for mentalhealth services provided by its center;
(9) Promote and approve contractual agreements with otherstate, federal, local and private agencies, e.g. social service, judicial,health, and education entities, as it deems necessary;
(10) Employ the executive administrator of its center and, inthe event such a position is vacant, assume the functions of that position;
(11) Arrange for and review its center's audit;
(12) Assure that funds available pursuant to this chapter areused to provide mental health services to those who do not have the ability topay and that each client's eligibility to receive public or private assistanceis exhausted prior to the expenditure of state and local monies availablepursuant to this chapter.