§ 40.1-8-1 Creation Members. (a) There is hereby created a fourteen (14) member permanent committee to beknown as the "Governor's Committee on Mental Retardation, " hereinafterreferred to as "the committee ";
(1) Six (6) of whom shall be representatives ofnon-governmental organizations or groups concerned with education, employment,rehabilitation, welfare, and health, to be appointed by the governor;
(2) Six (6) of whom shall be representatives of consumers whoare mentally retarded, of this group, three (3) of whom shall be selected froma list of nominees submitted by the RI ARC, to be appointed by the governor;
(3) One of whom shall be from the house of representatives tobe appointed by the speaker;
(4) And one of whom shall be from the senate to be appointedby the president of the senate.
(b) The assistant director for developmental disabilitieswithin the department of mental health, retardation, and hospitals shall serveas an ex officio member but shall not be eligible to vote.
(c) No employee of any state agency or institution engaged inthe care or training of persons who are mentally retarded shall be eligible forappointment to the committee.