§ 40-1-14 Powers and scope of activities. (a) In order to enable the displaced homemaker to contribute to society andmaintain independence and economic security, the director shall establish amultipurpose service center for displaced homemakers. The director may make agrant to a nonprofit agency or organization to carry out the various programs.
(b) The center shall develop, by working with federal, stateand local governmental agencies, private employers, and charitable or nonprofitagencies, job counseling and placement services specifically designed fordisplaced homemakers, which services shall:
(1) Counsel displaced homemakers with respect to appropriatejob opportunities;
(2) Identify community needs and endeavor to develop and tocreate new jobs for displaced homemakers in the private and public sector;
(3) Provide displaced homemakers with the necessarycounseling, training, skills, and referral services to become gainfullyemployed and independent;
(4) Develop plans to include more displaced homemakers inexisting training and placement programs;
(5) Refer displaced homemakers to agencies which may provideinformation and assistance with respect to health care, financial matters,education, nutrition, and legal problems; and
(6) Take into account and build upon the skills andexperiences of the displaced homemaker.
(c) The center shall develop an outreach program with aspecial emphasis directed toward reaching displaced homemakers in their middleyears.